Here it is, my own blog! Wow it feels kind of weird, but exiting at the same time!

So who am I? My name is Martin Wikestad and I, I do a lot of different things… But mostly I´m a photographer who loves adventures. and Adventure Photographer if you will. I love shooting in extreme conditions, creating story’s and art. This blog is going to be a combination of adventures and lots of photography related things. A way to share my passion for the art and hopefully creating an community of like minded people who can inspire each other to create, and live a more exiting and happier life!
Join the fun!
If this sounds like an adventure you would like to join you can find me here on the blog, on my YouTube channel and on Instagram.

Adventure photographer Helicopter ride Ski tour Ski-toouring a mountain in Sweden Hiking Helags in Sweden On top of a mountain in Norway Skiing in Japan